Politica ambientale Valvital


Considering that:
– The preservation of the environment is essential to the quality of life and sustainable development;
– Major customers and potential customers of Valvital S.p.A. must comply with applicable laws relating to the environmental policy and maintain conformity over time;

VALVITAL s.p.a. intends to:

1. Maintain an Environmental Management System to ensure that its processes, products and services comply with legal and other requirements.

2. Develop and disseminate appropriate operating instructions and methods of implementation aimed at achieving a systematic reduction of energy consumption.

3. Manage industrial waste, optimizing its generation and seeking, where possible, to recycle it. The minimization of the amounts of industrial waste will be sought through the application of appropriate actions called ” optimization prospects”, analytically defined where possible and practicable for each type of residue. These actions need to be updated over time, depending on company technological and know-how developments. At the current time, it is believed that, in any case, the gradually obtained improvements cannot be quantified using the computation of numerical indicators although these indicators (produced quantity) must be systematically monitored in order to identify the existence of any abnormal trends.

4. Maintain atmospheric emissions while complying with the legislation, and maintain the industrial water recirculation index at 100%.

5. Seek the continuous improvement of its commitment to the environment, always aiming to prevent pollution.

6. Adopt technological processes that offer the best (i.e. lowest) environmental impacts in technical and economic terms.

7. Assess the environmental aspects of products and production activities and adopt management procedures, which ensure that systems and processes provide the greatest possible protection for the environment.

8. Promote training of all employees to encourage all initiatives that protect the environment.

9. Promote awareness and involvement of its employees, contractors, suppliers and dealers, so environmentally correct forms are implemented. In particular, each yearly goal for continuous improvement of environmental performance will be formulated and documented (which does not necessarily have to be quantified through the calculation of quantitative indicators objectively provable).

Environmental policy objectives, according to the scientific and technological progress, according to market logic apply to all activities, products, processes, products and raw materials of VALVITAL S.p.a.

